Headshots for Actors and Models
Design215 provides a wide range of services for talent. Besides taking a great picture
of you, we will help you select the best images for your portfolio or comp card, help you
choose the right clothing for the type of work you are doing, and recommend reputable
agencies where you can get work. See examples >
We offer the following services for talent:
- 8x10 headshots for actors, B+W or color
- Outdoor and lifestyle photos for models.
- Studio and production photos for actors or models.
- Artistic concept photos for fashion models.
- Live performance photos of musicians or performers
- Artistic concept photos for musicians or performers
- Detail photos for body models, hair, eyes, lips, hands, etc.
- A one hour studio session is only $175.00, see Price Lists >
Important Details:
- We will meet with you to discuss your goals, clothing, location, etc.
- We will provide a makeup artist or you can use your own.
- We can create the layout and custom graphics for your comp card.
- We can print custom pages for your portfolio or help you create one.
- We will always give you honest, realistic advice.

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