H4 Alien 680mm - ORIGINAL


This is the H4 Alien 680mm frame with all of the original parts, no substitutions or modifications.

H4 Alien frame assembled weight

This assembled frame does not include the optional end plates or GPS mounting plate. It also does not include the landing gear that came with the kit. I wanted to focus on the basic frame itself, without any accessories.

Also, I have to say I was really pleased the total weights matched up. I wasn't expecting it to be so close. The actual tubing that comes with the H4 Alien frame is not in the database so I used the 16mm tubing from Hobby King because the wall thickness, and overall finish are identical. The problem with the Hobby Kind tubing is that if you order 8 pieces, chances are that all of them will have a slightly different outside diameter. Each piece I measured varied by as much as 0.15mm. I used the average weight/cm in the database so apparently it works out. For this example, if the total was off by 4g, it would still be 99% accurate.

Next, I'll be making copies of this project to see how I can reduce the weight, without having to purchase or cut any materials. Right away, I can eliminate some of the parts I don't need. For example I could get rid of 4 motor plates since I'm building a quadcopter, not an X8. That will also reduce the number of bolts by 16.

Stay tuned!


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Total: 428.65g